Monday 30 April 2012

How to Get Lucky!!!

Have you ever thought- That you want it all… Dream of being deserving but the very next moment think you are unlucky or undeserving?  Have you ever thought that life is unfair and unjust? Have you ever thought others get more than you and you never even get a break? Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult for me?
  •   We wish to get big house and car but start worrying “ oh I will have to earn more to maintain it manage it , what if the number of rooms aren’t enough or what if you are the only one left in that house”
  •   We wish for a loving boyfriend or husband but start worrying “ Oh what if he makes me claustrophobic, what if he starts getting too demanding, what will happen to my space
  •   We wish for a good job but start thinking “ Oh I am so comfortable in my current place no worries, no one asks me questions, in new job it will be more demanding or what if I fail to get one”
  •   We wish for Spiritual pursuits but start thinking “ Oh what will others think, what if I lose all my money in this process and become a hermit or lose my partner in the way or myself in the way”
  •  We wish for loving relationship with my parents who are like friends but start worrying “ Oh what if they see a side of me which they don’t like “
  •   We wish for something  and start saying and thinking “ I am unlucky”
  •   We wish for everything  but start thinking “ what if I get nothing”

 The Answer lies in our attitude and what we think we deserve (yes, a bit of stroke of luck too at times)
In all the above scenarios the common thing is – DOUBT—doubting your own self wish, your own self. The universe cannot fulfill any of our wishes if we keep sending contradictory messages and doubting it.

DOUBT is one of the biggest blockages that unable us to receive the divine blessing. For any positive thought to manifest one must have the heart and head in sync with each other. What is important to understand is that our thoughts and words carry vibration which can change things. A wish in heart is usually shot down by too much procrastination, comparisons and finding real meanings by reasoning. Thus a wish should a wish without any reasons or complications to it.

Few ways to clear off the blockages:-
  •  By practicing reiki , meditation, breathing exercises and healings we tend to remove some of those blockages surrounding us
  • By having friends with positivity, family members who support and guide you.
  • Being surrounded by people who help you in gaining your goal, have the belief/ faith in you
  • By using positive affirmations for what we seek
  • By having positive thoughts that whatever we seek or working towards is achievable
  • By keeping your wishes to yourself so that other people don’t start doubting and create blockages or cloud your mind with that doubt.
  •  By changing our attitudes instead of wanting and aimlessly trying to change the external
  • By letting go- once you place a wish let go and not let your mind be surmounted or tired by the pressure of that wish. It is true that when u start holding something to tightly it gets choked and might not get the freedom to grow or develop.
Everything you wish for is your right.
Say this all this all along  – “ I am Worthy, I am Deserving, I am valuable , I am lovable  !!


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