Sunday 13 October 2013

Reiki- How to try and heal unknown ailments

Ask with compassion and love and you will get
what you want-- your prayers be answered
Reiki is the universal energies as we all know, there are times when we as  practitioner  cannot identify the root issue of the illness or problem of a person ( we are not quasi gods,just humans). There are so many ailments and diseases whether mental/emotional/physical cannot be diagnosed. Does it mean that we shouldn't try, or if we cannot find the root cause of an ailment/issue should we be over cautious or refrain/complete give up and not send healing, should we worry what if the karmic cleansing happens and the person might leave the earth form... there are so many questions which go on in our minds while healing people whose root cause of ailment cannot be identified or rare disease.

Probable aspects which can be taken into consideration while healing-
Ailments are stuck up energies- they just have
to be converted to a different consciousness

  • Ground yourself completely
  • Talk in depth with the person- esp the time when they got to know about the ailment and while they felt about the ailment., how are they being accepted by other people
  • Make mental note of their feelings and how you feel about their state ( highest consciousness) 
  • Say the attitude of gratitude and pray ( if possible)before healing
  • Scan the entire body, if possible in other auric fields,, see or feel any colors or lights or sensation make mental note of it.. use the physical healing symbol while doing this
  • Heal the complete body like normally being done-- specifically use the master symbol ( traditional one) on each chakra and heal the root front and back for longer duration using all symbols.
  • Heal the spine and around on the back chakra specifically. I lay specific stress on root, cos most issues get sorted out once root is balanced.
  • Its always helpful to read about different ailments- eg: if bone, brain, heart related. This will help you to understand it better and on some levels do better healing ( probably)
  • Always be compassionate and do reiki as something to be done and dont expect too much-- as they say expectations lead to frustration
  • Before the session tell the healee about the issue being exaggerating too, so they have a choice to go ahead with session or not.
  • In cases of children with severe ailments, noting any feelings particularly to childs birth or past life you get, and be more gentle ( call upon archangel sandalphon and metatron-- they love kids) prefer using emotional healing symbol more. Always tell the parents what and how the healing you will be doing
  • Incase - of unknown neurological diseases- heal the root as much as possible, heal the crown from a distance only, use purple light for shielding the person- call upon archangel micheal if possible
  • For Bone or blood cells related ailments- again heal root, legs, feet. You can use haemitite and other root chakra stones and use the grid while healing
  • For AIDS patients--again only full body healing
  • For Communicable diseases- please read about the ailment before meeting the patient. Send distance healing or ground yourself completely before healing- prefer grid of tourmaline.
  • If you do past life reiki healing -- nothing like it, but always seek permission
  • After the healing session- close all the probable open chakras of the person and encapsulate the person in blue or purple white lights.
  • Thank the universe, Just be calm and still and compassionate.
Hope this article helps !!

Thursday 4 July 2013

Reiki & Aura Cleansing

This post is in continuation of the previous post of " Reiki & Aura Scanning". The post gives insight into other ways during reiki healing to do aura cleansing for possibly better help to the healee.

Following methods can be used-

  • Cord cutting
  • Giving healing for longer duration on the outline of the body or specific part
  • Filling the holes felt in the auric field 
  • Aura fluffing
  • Psychic surgery
  • Aura combing & aura smoothening and balancing
  • Color therapy while cleansing- Imagining colors
  • Call reiki guides of the healee
  • Call Archangel Micheal and Raphael during cleansing process
  • Mantra chanting
  • Aura sweep
You can also check the cleansing technique mentioned in the linked post.

Please share your experiences in aura cleansing and scanning. It  would be great to know.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Reiki and Aura Scanning

As per the ancient Hindu scriptures every body has subtle bodies around itself namely- 7 subtle bodies, this concept is referred to as auric field of the body. It said that any physical ailment or emotional compliant first touches all or either of the 7 auric fields and eventually transpires to the physical body.
During reiki level 2 or level 3 ( depends on the teacher) aura scanning and cleansing is taught to the students to identify specific areas which require more healing or nurturing.
7 Auric Fields- Multiple  Aura Colors- How beautiful 
 we are

How to do aura scanning of the healee during reiki session-

  • First and foremost ground yourself either by grounding technique or by use of tourmaline.
  • Request the healee to sit of a chair or lie on the ground, make sure the hands and legs are not crossed.
  • Place your palms together ( like in healing position) and move it over the respective chakras and eventually scan the aura by palms over the outline of the body. 
  • Check what you feel on your palms and that should be the area /areas requiring more cleansing /balancing --
  • Check if you feel either of these on your palms/hands or around yourself or the healee- Coldness, perspiring, feeling cold winds, shivering, hotness, burning sessions, feeling energy is being sucked from u , sudden pain the body part or head, low in energy ( low/high bp), feeling grey/black colors around, feeling something unwanted there, something is pushing or u away or making u uncomfortable, feeling there are holes/empty.
  • Once the scanning is done you can either perform basic cleansing steps using reiki symbols only or other ways of aura cleansing.

Basic steps for Aura Cleansing -( Suggested post aura scanning)

  • Say the attitude of gratitude, call on the angels/ any god the healee believes in .
  • Use the symbol of distance healing over the entire body first, then on the specific areas identified.
  • Use the Level 3 symbol taught ( new or old ) once on the front of the body then on the back
  • Then use the physical healing symbol all over the auric field of the body and specifically 5 times on the spinal cord
  • Then use the physical heling symbol over the specific area.
  • Complete the cleansing session by saying the attitude of gratitude.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Reiki - Tool Kit

This post is primarily for students or masters as to what material to expect or ask or provide  for during the Reiki training-

Following to expected/provided during the Reiki training at different levels-

  • A guidebook-  It could be an actual book from an author or could be collected notes in a few pages based on the understanding of the teacher or experiences.
  • A pamphlet or part of the guidebook- All the hand positions of reiki healing of self and others, nice to have- if examples on how to heal animals or people with certain ailments, healing to stones, situations etc, distant healings
  • Notes on preferably from level 1 training- on how to ground and protect oneself.
  • High level notes on 7 chakras of the body and associated mantras.
  • Brief synopsis of meditation taught during specific reiki level.
  • A CD is always nice with the contents taught during the attunement/classroom sessions + one last bit of nice healing music for meditation.
  • Flash cards are very fascinating you can try including it in your teachings or provide it to the students for better understanding.
  • Ask for a power-point presentation for a brief on the overall classroom trainings.
  • A workbook is always helpful - wherein the reiki learner understand plus note their thoughts and understanding and share experiences.
  • As a student ask specific material for your area of interest within reiki from your teacher.

Hope this helps , Good Luck :)

Thursday 25 April 2013

Reiki - Simple way for healing drug addiction

Drug Addiction is a health problem, not neccessarily moral failing or weakness of character. 
This was the message that Obama Administration put forward for their new drug strategy in April 2013. World over reforms have been made in countries to eradicate the growing problem of drug addiction. Take for instance -Sao Paolo in Brazil efforts are in full swing to cure the disease of drug addiction at rapid pace, in North East India Rehabiliation centres for Women have open to help cure the disease and likes of it.

There could be various reasons as to why one gets into drug disease like- poverty, emotional/physcial/sexual abuse, lack of family support, heart break, pressure from friends to be cool- peer pressure, experimentation, deep rooted past feelings, ill health, mental health and more.
Apart from medical treatment/therapies, reiki and chakra healing can also complement and help in some ways to heal the drug addiction. Drugs primarliy lead to wear and tear + holes in the auric fields, sometimes its just on the physical auric field, sometimes it is in the higher subtle bodies Below are  list of the chakras and  drugs -

Simple tip -reiki
Root/Mooladhara Chakra
Heroin or other depressants
Heal all the chakras especially the front and back root chakra, mantra recitation LAM during reiki session, followed by tree root meditation. Suggest-  root chakra mudras/asanas by yoga teacher.

Hara/Swadhisthana Chakra
Opium, morphine, codeine, cocaine, ecstasy, crack or other uppers
Heal all the chakras, heal front hara chakra for 10-15 min and heal back chakra for 10 min, mantra recitation – VAM. Suggest-  scaral chakra mudras/asanas by yoga teacher

Manipura Chakra
Amphetamine, methamphetamine or other synthetic drugs, alcohol
Heal all chakras, heal front and back manipura chakra, heal the space between the heart and the manipura chakra , clean the navel and apply sarso oil mixed with neem, chant RAM throughout while reiki

Heart Chakra
Heal all chakras, heal front and back heart chakra each for 10 minutes  preferably by placing rose quartz or combined with Kriya Yoga Meditation, chant YAM

Throat Chakra
Heal all chakras, heal back and front chakras, heal upper neck jaws, chant HAM

Third eye Chakra
Mariujana/Bhang, Cannabis
Heal all chakras, heal front and back third eye chakras, heal the place of medulla oblongata , chant AUM/OM followed by Deep Meditation.

Crown /Bliss Chakra

Prayer and Meditation

What I have found by interaction and research is that any medical treatment/alternative therapies these sessions should focus on examining damaged emotional state, re-build of self worth, self- belief & concepts, adaptabiltiy to living again in the external environment, re-build control, strength to face the world, acceptance of self .
Since drug addiction is a disease, just like any disease it is important to determine the extend the addiction of the indiviual based on medical/alternative therapies. The person is very defensive, aggressive and well as vulnerable/delicate at the same time. The aim is to help the person in the grip of the drugs to unlearn a habit and ensure a consistent & stable recovery. The journey is long but not unachievable. :)

Friday 12 April 2013

Double Breath Meditation- Kriya Yoga way

Yuktushewar Giri- Teacher of Yogananda in
Meditation state 
The eventual goal of any indiviual is to be happy and peaceful, the means could be any ( good or bad , material or spiritual). Meditation or concentration is one such aspect which calms and soothes the mind. We should remember that all lies within us, one of new teachers ( of Kriya Yoga) taught me- that the spine has 1000 volts ; one modality to activate is by meditation. Lets look at one the simple breath awareness meditation practice:-

Steps for Double Breath Meditation Technique- Kriya Yoga way/inspired-
  • Sit on the ground in Padma-asna or sit on a chair but dont strain the spine or legs
  • Preferably keep you spine straight 
  • Ground yourself - by preferably doing any of the grounding exercises or pranyam
  • Keep your hands in gyan mudra or simply open your palms
  • Close your eyes- and say the attitude of gratitude by thanking the universe
  • Bring you focus to your breath 
  • Inhale sharply through the nose - with one long and one short breaths ( double breaths- but deep breaths- note the stomach moving up )
  • Hold the breath and tense/vibrate your body ( hold it till the count of 5-8 atleast)
  • Exhale through the mouth ( huh- huh)- with one short and one long exhalation ( double exhale)- notice the stomach moving in
  • Practice this for about 10-12 times regularly 
It is essential to note every time you breathe in feel the positivity & upon every exhalation breathing out the negatvity. Practice daily or during any other excersise and feel the difference :)

Enjoy the bliss !!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Reiki and Self Sabotaging

Sabotage in simple words equals to deliberate destruction. Hence Self Sabotage = Deliberate destruction of the self. or undermining a plan/effort. In more often that not, the individual knows that something is good is about to happen and they make sure and try all the way for "it" to not happen... its almost like "things not working out" is a known place and the individual knows how to work around it .... Quite sad but its almost like an addictive unknown pattern in some of us. !!!!
This aspect reminds me of the four of cups of the Osho zen tarot with a person if dhyani mudra --emotionally blaming self and hurt and listening to every other voice around and unhappy :(....

Associated Chakras-  Root Chakra and Hara chakra are the two centres which can be associated with self sabotaging behavior  Emotional boundaries, security, acceptance of self not worrying about the future, lack of trust in oneself  in life and the decisions one takes, opposite of self confidence is self sabotaging-- so significant lack of self confidence, past repressed memories or painful words said by others eg: some one calling you idiot and u start claiming that u are an idiot too later :( ... the list is endless :( for root chakra damage.

Reiki is one of the modalities by which the self sabotaging behavior can be managed or modified.  Lets look at how reiki can work in some self sabotaging areas of an life :-

a) Trying to resist change in almost every aspect of your life.( Back root chakra and heart chakra)
b) Past memories of being labeled channeling in the mind-  eg: "You are dumb" saying this to a child repeatedly will make him/her doubt herself all or most of the time.( Lack of self esteem- Root and Manipura chakra)
c) Feeling that you are undeserving of any happiness or good will in life ( How sad- All three lower chakras)
d) People who are control freaks and want to control their lives to every level ( Root chakra)
e) People with addictive behaviour or substance behaviours might find it very comforting in a certain place. ( eg:  a drug addict who finds drugs are his/her only world and this is the drug place is where he/she will be accpeted and in the outside other world others will not accept them anymore -i.e: Serious damaged root chakra and severly blocked heart )
f) Severly draining and abusive relationships ( physical, verbal or emotional mainly) wherein one is constantly subject to character assisination or nit pricking in the relationship ( Severely blocks hara chakra, skewed self perception or image, self hatred, self pity)
g) Sometimes some people are over senesitive to criticism and it leads to a pattern of self sabotaging ( Blocked heart leading to blocked root which in turn leads to blocked hara chakra)
h)  Overdoing some aspects of your life that you have little time for the other areas ( eg: lack of work- life balance could lead to serious issues)
i) Negative self talk and constantly abusing oneself for any reason or not ( eg: a person who has chronic illness might curse oneself everyday )- blocked root chakra

There are many more areas where self-sabotage behavior fits in , one just have to find that pattern which is acting as a deterrent.

On a basic level how does reiki help-   Reiki helps to clear off the negative pattern from the subconscious mind and the self limiting patterns to identify them and release them. These could be arising from childhood issues, perception issues, identity issues and in some cases past lives issues. In most cases once the hurt is identified it is much more easier to find ways or steps to release. Typically since most of the patterns are root chakra related they usually work out well if stable step by step slow plan is made ( remember root is the heaviest of the chakras).

How to make things work by reiki and other modalities

  • Healing all chakras, esp root chakra, spine, liver by either reiki or other modalities.. Use all three symbols taught in level 2, and the master symbol of level 3a or 3b ( most effective)
  • Practising hatha yoga - recommend go a specific yoga practitioner 
  • Meditiation for calm mind, Kriya yoga, sahaj yoga and others.
  • Maintain a dairy or journal about feelings and try to everyday write less negative and more positve things about self
  • Join a group or club which is tolerant of you and your behaviour and less judgemental ( if you are substance addict suggest going to some reach programs in your near by community)
  • On a chit of paper write down what is bothering and also how you would want to situation to be and burn that paper
  • On a chit of paper write down how you would want your life to be and put it in a box and give it loving reiki everyday-- if you dont know reiki just put your hands with power of intention
  • Try and surround yourself with loving people with whom you feel connected with and do act of service for them . They say bhakti yoga is the biggest act-- serve loved ones ( if not unknown people in distress)
  • If you believe in God, pray to God and imerse in lord's love :)
  • Try self hypnosis & if possible or just imagine a chord between you and the state/attitude and you are cutting that chord everyday.
  • Love yourself ... know that you're higher self is bigger and better than you... so love yourself 
  • Practice this- write this " If I werent afraid I would've ...........fill in this" .. write as many as you can repeat it everyday, this way it will help to identify what is truly blocking you.

Reiki and the above are just complementary to the help one is getting from the hospitals or doctors in treatment of self sabotaging behaviours.
I would highly like to recommend this site -for understanding of aspects of self sabotaging and how to help oneself .. there are also some lovely articles related to many more aspects of life :

Love yourself --"Khud ko khud se kabhi na pare karo"  or " Dont ever leave your ownself"- this what Lord Krishna told me once :)

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Reiki & Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's Awareness 
'Shaking Palsy' or 'Parkinson's Disease (PD)' first drew medical attention in early 19th Century due to the work done by James Parkinson. The common symptoms mainly include shaking, tremors, trembling, stiffness, slowness of muscles, pain, disturbances in sleep and depression.
PD is caused to brain cell degeneration which control the motor movements of the body. Dopamine is the chemical messenger alongwith acetylcholine help to perform smooth movements, about 70-80% degeneration leads to damage to brain & onset of PD from mild to extreme form. 11th April is celebrated as the Parkinson's Day world over.

With the onset of Parkinson's disease life gets completely altered for the person as well for the care givers.
Apart from the regular medicines, care  and exercises, alternative healings can also be included as a part of the regime for healing and helping the patient.

Associate Chakras- Third eye /Ajna Chakra, Crown Chakra. Typically issues here are lack of unity with the divine, unable to see the inner light or self, issues with father figure/structure.

Few aspects of alternative healing /reiki which can be adopted for better living-

  • Reiki- Healing entire body- front and back chakras, special healing of the crown chakra with emotional healing symbol here the chakra will be very sensitive so better to place hands atleast 4-5 inches away while healing, healing the brow chakra -front chakra especially, healing the point of the pineal gland specifically for 5 minutes, special healing to the root chakra, pay special attention to the colors seen while doing reiki.
  • Color Meditation Healing- Place Crown, Third eye and root chakra as specific points, imagine violet/purple light while healing the crown chakra, indigo/dark blue light for third eye and alternating indigo and red for root chakra healing. Imagine Violet light going through all the chakras ( front and back) and eventually diverging from the heart chakra and encapsulating the aura with violet light, imagine this again with indigo and red light.
  • Reiki 2- Since movement plays an important role in PD, hence tree root meditation should be helpful, additionally special healing to the knees with physical healing symbol, upper leg and lower leg healing by placing hands on body of the healee
  • Hand Mudras & Postures- .Yoga is always helpful for healing. Bhastrika Pranayam is most beneficial as it calms the mind, removes/ejects impurity from the body and importantly proven to balance the pineal gland. Again Since PD is mainly associated with imbalance of the Vata element, vayu mudra is beneficial here. Yoga positions can be tried based on the stage of the PD and then practised under a trained & compassionate instructor- yoga asanas- Tadasana, trunk circle positions, cobra, Uttasana, foot revolving positions and others.
  • Pranik Healing and Massage 
Apart from the above the complimentary/alternative healing/ reiki the person and care givers can consider the below also- 
  • Taking care of feet and legs- regular massaging, encircling, warm water treatements, covered.
  • Eating the healthy- Choose the right kinds of food for PD avoiding iron or zinc, Vitamin B6/B12 excess foods.Include balance magnesium , Omega fatty 3 foods.
  • Managing Stress- PD can lead to stress- mental and emotional and lead to depression, key is to avoid   such state and continue to engage in activities or creative works.
This is my understanding, if you have something better to share please do so that others can benefit too :)

Thursday 7 March 2013

Swami Vivekananda Quote

When I asked God for Strength
He gave me difficult situations to Face

When I asked God for Brain and Brow
He gave me difficult puzzles to Solve

When I asked God for Happiness
He showed me Unhappy People

When I asked God for Wealth
He showed me how to work Hard

When I asked God for Favours
He showed me opportunities to work Hard

When I asked God for Peace
He showed me how to Help Others

God gave me nothing I wanted
He showed me how to get what I need.

Quote by Swami Vivekananda.

This just makes me feel--- Prabhu ki Leela nayari... the divine always has its own plan and no matter what one should always be the doer irrespective of the situation. God is within onself and we eternally guide ourselves too --- just like the higher self talking :)

Thursday 21 February 2013

Baglamukhi Mahavidya

Baglamukhi --- the protector 
Pitambara Vidya Devi or more famously known as  "Baglamukhi Mata" is one of the 10 Mahavidyas. She is oftern referred to as the "Goddess who paralyses the enemies".
Baglamukhi meaning " restrained face/mouth" inturn meaning hypnotic power of the face/indivual - in short ability to control and capture the other. Baglamukhi Mata is associated in tantrik practices especially worshipped to destroy enemies. She has a golden complexion and is dressed in yellow she sits in a throne in the midst of an ocean of nectar full of yellow lotuses. A crescent moon adorns her head.

Significance of Baglamukhi- 
Manifestation tale- In the Satyuga era once the whole world was threatened by a terrific cycle. Lord Vishnu was worried about the safety of the world so he went to a lake reservoir in Gujrat to please the Goddess, Pitambara Mata then appeared and controlled the powerful current of the flood and destructive nature.  
Further more she is also a form of Laxmi ( spouse of Vishnu) alos granting prosperity, wealth, attraction.

She is the source of all knowledge in tantra practices . She is both the source of delusion and release of delusion. She is also the source of visible and invisible universe/world. Baglamukhi sadhna though these days used mainly for decreasing power of enemies, protecting oneself and controlling enemies or maybe harming others but in earlier days it was for deep spiritual purpose.

Spiritual Purpose is mainly to be on the right path to control kam, krodh, lobh, moh ( lust, anger, greed, attachment/ego). The sadhna is mainly to control thoughts and kill/cut delusion and thereby having clarity of what to do. 

Chakras & Meditational significance-
She is associated with the lower two chakras, especially the svadhistan/hara chakra. Hence yoga or practices of clearing the hara chakra greatly help. Each goddess has another goddess attendant-- so for baglamukhi- bhuvaneshwari mata is the counterpart. Here Baglamukhi mata is the inner light which one  meditates on and thereby balances the breath which enters the silence of the self . This helps to view things from a higher perspective. By Meditation on self which involves control ;one sees things from a higher consciousness and understands that the a) outside is reflection of the inside, so if one is calm, protected, powerful within the external reflects the same ( though some karmic, balancing is needed) and or b) the external is forever changing its the internal which has to be sthir ( stable) or stambh ( silent) and hence unmoved by any happenings.   The inner growth and manifestation is baglamukhi's blessing and external /material growth /maya is bhuvaneshwari's blessing.  

In terms of kundalini practices-- the mantra of baglamukhi mata is highly used for increasing the vibration of lower chakras, esp hara chakra. The coiled serpent energy is usually eaten up or consumed at the hara chakra level so this mantra helps to move it up from the hara chakra. 
Since she related to energy and indivual power , she too is associated with planet mars/mangal. Thus for reducing afflictions,obstacles, enemies  her pooja/prayer is performed and beneficial ( not to be mixed with being Baglamukhi Sadhak).

Baglamukhi Mantra- ( adviced to be done as per the instructions by the guru)

Learning from Baglamukhi Mata-

  • Be silent and seek wisdom from inner self-  opening of throat chakra
  • To turn ignorance into knowledge- opening of third eye
  • To turn lack of self awarenss to power- opening of manipura chakra
  • To see with death in life ( emotional/mental/spirtual death)- to see how death of a relationship helps to see oneself in higher light- opening of hara chakr
  •  To see the dualities and balance them (yin/yang)- Opening of Hara chakra
  • To burn the anger into balance and creative - Opening of root chakra
  • To turn fear into security - Opening of root chakra
  • To know that thoughts are what balance the action-- good and bad , life and death, happiness and crappiness are just dualities of the same thing ( two sides of the coins)
  • Do no unjust to others by any means
  • Always respect women ( young/old) as the maha shakti always resides in women.
  • Mata is seated at the mount corpse- which means death -- death of self, enemies, uncontrolled power etc.
  • Not to speak the eternal truth from within.

Mudra Associated with Baglamukhi- 
Varuda Mudra- Boon Granting Mudra- The left had is used, the palm uppermost and fingers pointing downwardsAdditionally Abhaya Mudra is also associated.

This is my understanding so far of Baglamukhi Mata, please share your of understanding in anyways way of the Mata, it would be nice to know :)

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Reiki in Hospitals

One of the main principle or aspect taught to us in reiki is that it is HOLISTIC in nature.
Holistic is defined as-  "Characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the physical."  This is fundamental for every indivual on this planet "A  HOLISTIC" way of living life and each is entitled to one.

Just a few years back reiki /healing modalities were not given the recognition and more less considered as a taboo !! However since its recognition as " Alternative Medicine/Healing" a lot has changed in the minds of the people, to the extend that even doctors, nurses and major hospitals  over the world use REIKI and realizing the benefits it offers.

They say Jesus Christ used to touch and heal people, Guru Nanak touched/blessed and healed people, so for us the doctors /nurses are out healers/saviours/God :)

Some ways in how reiki can be used in hospitals/clinics/ NGOs running clinics :-

  • Giving or receving reiki before or after any procedure or surgery ( suggest to be careful incase of serious heart/brain/ fractures)
  • Give or receive reiki before or after minor or serious injuries.
  • Do straight reiki , not to get involved in psyhcic explanations or metaphysical terminologies
  • Give reiki for cancer patients with positive affirmations ( it is found it helps to increase the WBC and NK in some cases)
  • Give or receive reiki for stress reduction ( anxiety/ depression/ unable to cope with the event) and strengthening immune system
  • Giving reiki to a patient - especially to improve the nutrition intake and eating healthy
  • Reiki sessions for patients with drug addictions with combinations of bi polar disorders/catatonia/schizoprenia ( in my view- utmost care should be taken as usually the crown is very sensitive with root chakra being damaged severly)
  • Give reiki to a pregnant lady ( in my view- emotional and physical healing chakras are best suited)
  • Give reiki for Varicose veins, cramps ( imy view- root chakra and all minor chakras of the legs and foot, suggest leg massage too in combination)
  • Give regular reiki for trauma and emergency units - set stipulated time everyday, distance healing works best here.
  • Give reiki for patients undergoing chemotherapy and raditation treatment , it could be mini sessions initially followed by full fledged healing both in person and distance healing ( reiki assists in clearing toxins faster. 
  • Give reiki for patients under gone By-Pass surgeries ( helps to treat post operative pain/weakness, trembling of legs etc.)

How can Hospitals/clinics go about utilizing or set up reiki programs-

Reiki in Cordoba Hospitals - Reiki Light :)
Approach-  Pilot program in one unit---> Pilot program extended to another unit---> Based on the outcome form Seperate Unit/Hire reiki Practitioners----> Work on the funding program for the unit/external hire---->One seperate Unit formed & extend it to the entire clinic or hospital----> design specific programs for patient treatments in units----> Extend hand to train nursing staff followed by doctors

  • Planting the seed-  educate the staff, nurses, administrators, small group of patient's family- topdown approach works best, maybe some promotion might help within the hospital/clinic.
  • Initially form a small group consisting of reiki practitioners- external/ part- time would be best
  • Ask patients if they are willing to receive reiki, consult their family too- best to sign consent forms by keeping the original with self and giving the copy to the patient
  • Always Always mention reiki as a way for healing and by no means it should be glorified as metaphysical or psychic.
  • Start forming reiki healing groups for a small /large set of recovering patients in single session ( eg: general ward of the hospital/clinic).
  • Idenitfy specific patients ( terminally ill/chronic condition) who require specific healing sessions in their bed.
  • Make the reiki rooms or units soothing ( color combinations/therapy will prove to be helpful).
  • If the patient or family members are religious yet agreeing to reiki, ask them the god/divine form they would like to call during the healing to support them

Many Hospitals worldover are utilising and experiencing the benefits of reiki, following are the few known hospitals- Portsmouth Regional Hospital in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Reiki Clinic at the Tucson Medical Center (TMC) in Arizona, Marin General Hospital in Marin County, California Department of Oncology at Women & Infants Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island, University College London Hospitals, London, UK, South Tess Hospitals NHS, Middlesbrough,  Apollo Hospital, India Aashlok Hospital Delhi, India

Check below website for more hospitals,  try asking you local hospital too.

For more understanding on Reiki in Hospitals - please also read-

Friday 11 January 2013

Reiki and releasing victim mentality

Victim Mentality - A trait in which a person regards himself/herself as a victim of th negative or wrong doing by external circumstances or people.  One with the victim mentality can be yourself or your constantly with people at work/personal relationships with the attitude.
Frustration :(-- 8 of swords

Analyze/Ask  the following questions--
  • Everything bad/worst happens to me ?
  • Is there something about you/others that makes them emotionally oppressed or depressed?
  • Do you or someone around you blames luck and keeps pointing out how unfair life is towards them pretty much most of the time?
  • Do you say or even feel this often about someone- "you make me mad"/ " you make me sick"/  " You make me guilty"/" you trouble me all the time"
  • You feel abused or feel like someone is taking advantage of you 
If yes then in some ways the person has a victim mentality. This is quite deep rooted feeling wherein one feels the other is stronger than them.

Tarot associations with victim mentality- Eight of swords, five of swords, five of cups, four of cups, five of pentacles, Moon, sometimes High Priestess, 9 and 10 of swords.

Victim Mentality and Chakra blockage-

Victim Mentality blockage association
It is a fear that someone is stronger than them which makes one feel weak or in emergency state most of times. Sometimes we stay in victim mentality and cover it up with other things and keep lieing to ourselves.
This could be due to past family /childhood issues .
Others feeling “ oh she is ok with what I am doing to him/her”, lack of dynamism
This is the seat of all abilities, this is here where someone feels as if they are a door mat and feels locked in, lack of self esteem, submissive approach to life
Leads to feeling emotionally oppressed, hurt , feeling not being given enough love from any corner of life

Here are a few things which help in releasing or reducing victim mentality-

Complete holistic happiness-10 of cups 

  • Reiki-- Healing the front and back root chakra, hara chakra , manipura and heart chakra for 21 to 41 days atleast. Be careful while completely opening your hara chakra , if not protected it leads to so uneccessary energy attachments/attack.
  • Reiki- Special healing to the front and back manipura chakra to increase personal strength & Power and not letting drain you. Use powerful manipura affirmations and cutting chords from the manipura and hara chakra.
  • Reiki- Write how would you want to feel on a piece of paper imaging yourself free from the bondages of victim mentality, write all the three reiki symbols and heal the rolled paper for 20 days.
  • Choice - Accept the power of choice that you have today-- the personal power to daily choose that you will  feel accepting of your self. You can write on a piece the two paths of being free or locked in to feeling of being put down and see what makes you feel better. Sometimes blaming others becomes a habit-- make a different choice.
  • Hand Mudras-
    Brahma Mudra ( when pushed around by others/anxiety) ,  Kali Mudra ( breaks negative thought pattern), Makara Mudra ( lack of self esteem or personal power), Sankalpa Mudra ( committment to live with intention and not be a victim of circumstance), Aum Vilom breathing exercise , Garuda Mudra (feeling stuck in life or emotions)
  • Pat Mudra and Meditation (recently read abt it, might be helpful)- Pat yourself  on the left side ( receiving side), affirmation " I accept myself", followed by relaxing meditation and self acceptance mudra or Pushan Mudra eventually being completed by relaxing and patting yourself.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year 2013- Reiki Love

Archangel Raziel-
 significator for year 2013
Wishing everyone a Happy, prosperous and healthy new year 2013.

For Year- Belief in self, freedom from self limiting thoughts, hope and miracles more than you can imagine, choices to move from negative counterpart thoughts/circumstances, lift the frequency of what you believe you deserve to get for self & near ones, higher spiritual understanding -for some could be tough lessons to break the self limiting patterns, challenges existing logic/lifestyles/systems in individuals/ countries

How to work with Archangel Raziel-
Be open to new way of looking at life, ideas, beliefs, situations around, let go limiting thoughts, pay attention to signs or thoughts -3 times or more, increased awareness can shift/enhance your relationship & career goals/ achievements, remember life mirrors your inner experiences.

Chakras- Third eye & Crown Chakra

Practices-  Meditation, breaking self limiting patterns/ideologies, reiki to third eye & crown chakra, learning new practices/ doing something you believe in, balancing mudras / exercises.

Happy New Year !! Yo Ho