Monday 30 July 2012

Short and Sweet Healing - "Ask your body for a message"

Reiki works on different realms of the body - Physical , emotional, mental and other subtle bodies. Any health issue, pain in specific part of the body, ailments, damaged body parts i.e: any problem first affects the subtle bodies and finally manifests or shows on the physical level. For instance if someone is feeling constant pain the chest or arms it is typically an indication of blocked heart chakra- lack of giving or receiving love, lack of compassion, closed heart, un- forgiveness, deep past pains etc. It is interesting that our body/cells also work together in healing an ailment or a sick organ, so why cant we support our body consciously in healing through reiki and other healing modalities and positive changes
As a reiki practitioner or healer or healee one sometimes need to focus on a specific organ by healing and caring for it more than the rest of the body. Its like a mother nurturing a sick child.

Healing and Caring for specific organ-short & sweet reiki treatment-
  • Relax your body and lie down or sit comfortably- inhale and exhale for a few minutes
  • If you are a healer then scan  the healee's aura using your hands and identify the unwell organ, or use pendulum or simply ask the person. 
  • Imagine the unwell organ you would want to communicate with and put emotional healing symbol ( if 2nd level) or simply give the intend to heal.
  • Concentrate your focus on that organ or body part, mentally or aloud talk to that organ as if talking or interacting/talking  with an unwell or sick child. Interestingly the organs respond to clear, sweet, positive terms.
  • Mentally/visualize the symbols on the organ and start to heal the front and back and subsequently the concerned chakra by placing hands on body or on the aura. Do the healing for as much time as your want and note if any feelings on hands or body.
  • After this imagine water in flowing form or like a waterfall cleansing the organs and taking away all the toxins.
  • Now do the grounding exercise, imaging the roots from the root chakra , feet and legs and getting closer to mother earth.
  • Using the intend and affirmations of positive and well being- " I am healthy and filled with positiveness"
  • Repeat this ( frequently) for next 21 days.
Additionally you can invite Archangel Raphael or any specific God or person you want to help heal the hurt/organ,one can use positive affirmations related to the organ or chakra, eat related foods or juices.

Please note this can be done along with medical treatment and is not substitute of it.

Ask your body for a message and stay well.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Ucchishta Matangi

Since I have been reading and trying to understand on a basic level the energies of Mahavidyas, my recent interest has been " Matangi" Mahavidya. Matangi word itself has the main element in it --- " Mata" which means thought which in turn relates to an opinion either mental or verbal. Thus the true epitome of Mata/Mother/Maa. She is understood to be the daughter of Sage " Matanga"

Green color- Mercury, Veena/lute- Music,
Lotus- Knowledge and be serene, goddess
of extra ordinary learning, spiritual instruction
For me her significance is greater than her original meaning or powers or energies, especially due to the association of the word " Chandalini". In Indian society " Chandal" is a person who does the work of burning the dead bodies /funeral worker, which is looked down upon and form one group of the Untouchables or Outcastes. In olden times as per rules Shudras/Outcastes were the ones to eating left overs. Interestingly Matangi is also referred to as "Chandalini" , the reason being " Chandali" the frontal nadi in Kundalini practices which flows from tip of the tongue to the tip of the genitals and the practice of upward flow of sexual energy ( hara chakra) to spiritual energy ( third eye chakra) , this in turn burns the materialistic identity to a state of enlightment / greatness.This is like how the Chandal burns the physical body similarly the "Chandali" burns the association of one with Physical Identity to Higher self.

Since for this practice it is said one needs a guru hence one takes the knowledge left over from the guru as ones own hence " association of Matangi with Left Over". This is also in every practice we listen to the instruction of a guru " speech" and take his speech/left over from his knowledge as our own. It is this used/left over knowledge which we combine with ours and make it innovative or personal experience. Thus we mimic our guru /copy.
Ham is the beej mantra, balance
throat chakra by sky blue color

Another interesting aspect is Mata " Matangi" being referred to as Ucchishta-being the greater touch, as she is believed to have touched the lips of shiva and hence the bliss. This Ucchista Matangi- Bestower of all boons/true enlightment. All this is opposite of the normal protocols associated with Gods/Goddess.

Mata Matangi is supposed to rule the throat chakra which governs speech and true expression from our hearts. The ultimate residue or representation of who we are is by our throat chakra- Divine Truth. This chakra is inturn related to vibration - and Matangi also relates to the vibration of each nadi/nada. Matangi is also referred to as Mantrini ( again throat chakra) which is ucha- aran/speaking of each mantras hence helping us to communicate with inner self and Gods- again an element of Throat Chakra.
Matangi rules all kind of expressive occult powers, counseling, teaching, communication, music.

Understandings from Mata Matangi

Matangi Mudra
  • Nothing /No one is outcaste we are all in some ways the same 
  • Wordly identity will burn someday and your true self will be revealed to you in some ways
  • Doing an act which is against the societal rules but is acceptable to self is representation of one's true expression and oneness.
  • The parrot represents- represents the true nature of the world, one cannot escape one's acts, what goes around comes around.
  • Music not means pleasure /pleasing to hear but also that we need to instil harmony within ourselves and ignore or remove the noise around and be in harmony.
  • The Third eye is representation that we must use our inner knowledge for any action we take, its more than what meets the eye
  • This one is ofcourse diffiult--- Speak the truth and only the truth, your words should bring everything into harmony.
  • Worship of Matangi will allow one to speak the words of SHiva--  true words which serve all". Sometimes it is important to take the untruth out of some people for greater good. Hence Vishikaran comes into picture, but its the practitioner who has to understand the higher good in this.
For practice- Matangi Mudra- Inner Harmony and rulership

Fold your hands in front of the manipura chakra/stomach and point both middle finger and interlace them together. Direct your attention towards the stomach area for 5 minutes. This resolves inner tension/conflicts, improves digestion, relieves tension in jaw areas, calms the heart, front and back solar plexus chakra.

Please give in your inputs on Matangi Mahavidya.

Thursday 19 July 2012

" Hope" is the thing with feathers

Hope * Reiki = Love and Healing which is the true meaning of the universal creation. I dedicate this poem to myself and everyone who believes in hope or needs a little bit of hope in their lives .

"Hope" is the thing with feathers
It asks for a crumb of me
" Hope" is the thing with feathers

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
It never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

By Emily Dickson

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Reiki Healing - Picking up others energy

In reiki the practitioners are too in the danger of picking up other people's or healee's energies to the extend their emotions or start seeing other people's negative events happening in their own lives. This is despite the fact that most practitioners are protected. However we should not forget that practitioners are human beings too and their chakras, or protection means can get disoriented /displaced after a healing session or a classroom. This is also possible when treating people with too much negativity around them or unwell or negative intends or attacked by spirits sometimes. Apart from healers normal people who don't practice reiki can also be attracting energies , or ones who are too sensitive "like sponge".

So does it mean that the practitioner should be careful about whom they healing?? Not really.!!! The below exercise can aid one in grounding and feel comfortable :- 

Hugging a tree helps to ground and release negativity
HUG & LOVE A TREE- our friends
Tree Grounding Method-
  • Sit comfortably on a chair, floor, bed, standing.
  • Take deep breaths for 5 minutes counting 1-2 ( inhale) and on 3-4 (exhale)
  • Keep your intention to ground and imagine tree roots spreading from the base of the root chakra, spine, back chakra and soles of the feet and controlling to the centre of the earth.
  • Imagine you being more and more connecting to the center of the earth and it becomes one big root which is deep
  • Know that you are firmly grounded and connected to the earth

Yoga Poses- be patient and relaxed during these exercises ( check for details online or future posts )
  • Uttanasana- Standing and forward bending to the toes with breathing
  • Head to Knee pose- sitting
  • Bridge Pose/ Setu Bandhana-
  • Shalabh/ Ardh Shalabh Asana (locust position)
  • Virabhadrasana- esp to remove fear ( similar to virbhadra -ferocious warrior)
Hope this helps..