Tuesday 29 May 2012

Cope and Reason for Hope

Picasso (artist),Mark Vonnegut (son of the writer Kurt Vonnegut), John Nash (mathematician, winner of the Nobel Prize in economics and subject of the book and movie A Beautiful Mind) Syd Barrett (founder of Pink Floyd),Buddy Bolden (jazz pioneer),Eduard Einstein (son of Albert Einstein) are a few famous people who had Schizophrenia and yet were successful.
It was about a sometime back when a young man of 20-25 years old was lying in the street in front of our house. My father had come back from the vegetable market, when he saw the man. He immediately went to the young man who was trying to say something but could not express, he started telling about some strange stories. Some people standing around said that the young man was a mad & had problems in his head. He was crying as he hadn’t eaten anything, I suppose since morning/days. My mother made some paranthas and my father kept it in front of him, it was sad sight that he could not even properly hold it. Seeing this my mother was in tears and so was my father and then my father himself fed the young man thinking he was also someone's sick child. The young man ate then slept in the street, next morning he was nowhere to be found. It was days/weeks later my parents got to know, that the young man was practically disowned by his family members as he was diagnosed with mental illness some few years ago, they took care but later could not cope with him and was left on his own. Left to fight on his own with his mental illness of which he had no idea known to us as Schizophrenia.

Syd Barrett
Schizophrenia one out of the numerous mental illnesses. It originates from the Greek word-- Schizien "to split" and Phren " the mind" thus -splitting of the mind. It is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes mental disorder with respect to impairments in perceptions, delusions etc. Eugen Bleuler in 1908 first coined the term Schizophrenia.
A few symptoms are: - Hallucinations, Disintegrated & disorganized thinking, delusions, inapproriate reactions, psychosis etc.
The symptoms in children and adults are different. In the recent years it has been observed that it’s mostly occurs at about 18-25 years. Sad but true it cannot be cured, family members & loved ones are the people who can help one cope up with the illness. The ability to care for a schizophrenic is associated with emotional strength & determination, financial reserves & above all time.

Thus Family & loved ones are the BIGGEST HELP!!! It has been found out that family support is a biggest factor in improving from the situation.

Schizophrenia Support Group 
  1. Family should not shun responsibility of the person, not to feel ashamed that someone in the family has it.
  2. Acceptance is very important. Cursing your fate, feeling guilty, blaming one another never helps. Mourn, forgive and move on. To act out of resentment & drama between family members makes it worse for the person being treated also.
  3. It is a MEDICAL ILLNESS and requires treatment with responsibility.
  4. It is NO ONE's FAULT, essential that the person is diagnosed & treated well.
  5. A caring, safe environment that allows for as much freedom of action is very much required; Hostility & criticism in the environment at home should be reduced or eliminated.
  6. Important that the person takes prescribed medication as per the doses and family members need to ensure that it strictly followed else it leads to severe relapse.
  7. In extreme cases side effects to person happens thus important to inform the doctor at very onset.
  8. Educate oneself with the pattern of the schizophrenic person. Relapses are frequent, some patience is required--emotional straining does no good.
  9. Individual psychotherapy is essential for the person.
  10. Essential to make a daily routine at least an attempt is required. If possible help them work and find a job. Yes-- A Job!!
  11. Compliment the person on achieving goals; remember criticism does a lot of harm.
  12. Set attainable goals for them.
  13. Realize that caring for the person is emotionally, mentally, physically tiring & exhausting. Important to take care of yourself too.
  14. Often spouses, children or parents get drained to a very large extend in the caring process -- after effects show later.
  15. Important to have regular meetings with the doctor, and keep note of the behavioral pattern in the person & discuss on every meeting.
  16. Talk to the person frequently; listen to them esp. when they are in trouble.
  17. Sometime Schizophrenics get into Substance abuse like marijuana, or other drugs under no state and the person should get into that situation before or after diagnosis.
  18. Boost up the moral confidence of the person, they can lead normal, independent & satisfying lives too just like any of us.
So this in the end, the single most important thing: Is to love, care, appreciate and help the patient move ahead and live an Independent life like an independent individual. Thank you for reading this article and if you ever come across a person with Schizophrenia try and help them in some way. Worse thing to do is to leave the person dieing on the road and let them cope with illness by themselves.

So Always Take care & cope with a reason called as HOPE.

Friday 25 May 2012

Reiki - intention box

Buddha- Consciousness with Perception
Reiki as we know is beyond time and space which focuses on the power of intend for manifestation. There are different ways. All your intentions,only if its for the higher good for self or others is fulfilled by Reiki.Reiki Intention box is a container with the different intention slips which are healed by the Reiki healer.

How to make an intention slip and Reiki Intention box:-

  • Take a shoe box or any box in which the lid is closed and is not easily open. Make a small hole or cut in the lid. 
  • Paint it , color it as per your desire, heal the Reiki intention box with the symbols as desired especially for past/future healing. 
  • Mentally draw all the symbols on the box / use crystals and keep it in a designated place away from your bed.
  • On a daily basis or whenever need write the intention or desire of event for healing - if its a future event which you want to manifest first write -" Name , age /year of birth of person"; secondly the intention or event that it has already occurred and the person is happy ; lastly thank reiki and give your love.
  • At the back of the Reiki Intention slip write the three symbols learnt in reiki level 2 {heal the slip( if you want )}
  • Roll or fold the reiki intention slip and drop it in the Box.
  • Hold the box between your palms( put physical healing symbols on both the palms first).
  • Heal the box with reiki and universal energy on a daily basis. 
  • Once the intention is manifested take the intention slip and burn it or on a monthly basis or once in two months heal and then burn the reiki intention slips ( saying " Universal Energy manifest our intentions of which is for the higher good"
  • Incase of a specific ailment for an individual make a seperate smaller reiki intention box.

Benefits of Reiki Intention Box
Reiki Intention Box
  •  Helps to release worries, its another way for providing distant healing also.
  • If pictures are in intention box helps to maintain harmonious relationships. 
  • Helps to heal or manifest multiple desires or requests at a time.
  • Some people have very sensitive auras at times, so intention slip to faster healing can be beneficial.
  • Incase of group healing - the group members can send distant healing to the healee
  • The healer can use multiple means on the healee eg: crystals/specific prayers or angels which the person would be uncomfortable in face-face interaction ( here also permission is needed)
  • Helps to identify goals and dreams and desires.
  • Good for initial distant reiki healing.
  • In my view it can be created by anyone who doesnt even know reiki - as a) we all have the power to heal and b) Sometimes just need to write down what we feel
So ahead, be creative and experiment. Put all those thoughts and worry inside ( take it off your chest ) or discover and express your desires and go to your wonderland.


Wednesday 23 May 2012

Dhumavati & Queen of Swords

Dhumavati- Smoke, Crow, Shakti without Shiva
Dhumavati - Of the 10 forms of Mahavidyas one form is Dhumavati. She is usually depicted as eternal widow  ( ugly and unappealing)and symbolizes the Shakti without Shiva. She is powerful and her magic/divya shakti is esp.for the witches and tantriks. Dhumavati is the key keeper and controller of the spirits esp. female churail or negative spirits. The crow is her Vahan ( like shani), lives on cremation grounds.& associated with moonless night. Embodiment of "tamasic gun".

Few Elements of Maa Dhumavati & what her energies symbolise  :-
Ma Dhumavati- Yantra

  • Bestows the lesson of life and death.
  • To learn that unorganized energy is at times the key to awareness  ( more like Rahu)
  • Timelessness and high elevated state of samadh by years of practices and aloneness-- be in void 
  • Negatives aspects of life- humiliation defeat, loss, sorrow, loneliness with a message that these are important in growth of an individual and soul.
  • Illusion is just maya and needs to be cut through by hardships sometimes or as per karmic record & detachment is sometimes is the only ways
  • Our fears in life and how as a soul we need to face it without illusion.
  • Ma Dhumavati is complete in herself and therefore portrays that one needs to be also complete in oneself for moksh ( i.e: death leading to transformation)
  • She makes us understand the lesson that death, confusion, aloneness and thereby the related magic.
  • On the devi and tantrik power form levels- it means she will bring depression and poverty to one's enemies.Also meaning that when one is on its spiritual path she will aid in progress by these means.
Her Mantra -" Dhung Dhund Dhumavathi Thhah Thhah" 

Queen of Sword
Queen of Swords- Of the 4 Queens of the Tarot Deck and the Queen of Air or reason. She is usually depicted in a barren place with a crow flying above and has a sword to cut the illusion and wears lowly clothes despite being a queen. She also represents a widow or single ( divorced/heartbroken ) woman

Key Elements of Queen of Swords :-
  • Bitter, cynical and wise beyond one's years and depicts that sometimes wisdom is gained by hardships only
  • Steely determination, pioneering leadership, courage and leadership.
  • No-Nonsense attitude and iron fist to deal with things
  • Clear thinking and ability to think and express freely.
  • Stay away from lies deception, illusion, false ego- literally cuts it through
  • Independent and see life clearly.

Co-relation and similar & merging energy patterns of Ma Dhumavati and Queen of Swords, (ofcourse that Dhumavati is worshipped also)
  • Dissolving of Illusion and false ego
  • Embodiments of " unsatisfied desires"
  • Symbolise- Death - either of end of relationship, end of ego, end of attitude.
  • Both have a spear/sword to cut through whatever doesnt work
  • Mean that situations or people in life ask us to look within us inwards as opposed to looking at outward beauty which is time related.
  • " Void" that exists before creation ( chaos) and void after it dissolves ( death / transformation-again chaos)
  • Both depict unpaired members & associated with widows, tantriks etc. of the society, usually someone alone and not accepted
  • Both mean that sometimes hardships , humiliation make us like steel and courageous -sometimes necessary.
  • Dwell or related to " wounds of the world"
  • Relates to one's who follow the right path /dakshin marga
  • Widows esp. when aged sadhaks have tremendous knowledge and should at any times be treated with respect.Every woman should be respected irrespective of age/status/looks etc.

Dhumavati mantra- Protects, clears  illusions, aids in her practices /siddhis
I haven't recited it, but feel free to recite &initiate her
energies  under a specific teacher

If you have more understanding of the Ma Dhumavati and Queen of swords , please share.

Tuesday 22 May 2012


Panchamakara means Panch= 5 and Makara  = tattvas ( elements). The Pancha-Makara were ways to cleanse and transcend the mind. Each "M" stands for a particular practice. In Vamachara /left handed path the meaning is taken literally & practiced ( based on the sub-group) whereas in Right Handed Path /Dakshinachara consider the subtle and unintended meaning of the same.

Following are the Panchamakaras  in brief :-

Tattva/Element Name
Meaning in Left Handed Path
Meaning in right handed path
Tattva relates to
Sweet Nectar/Amrit
Control of Speech
Control of Nadis ( literally means ida and pingala ) through yoga and pranayama
Parched grain usually eaten with meat
Posture of Yoga and spiritual company, satsang, prayers
Sex with no orgasm

If you are interested to know more, you can read up or contact a person who practices the elements in their spiritual consciousness and growth.

Monday 21 May 2012

Chakras & Hand Mudras

Mudras are hand positions. Each area of the hand has a certain reflex reaction in certain part of the brain which is related a certain gland and related body part. Mudras have a holistic effect which improvement in efficiency, overall health of body, mind & spirit. There are multiple mudras for physical, emotional , mental and spiritual elements of the body however here we will be covering a few.

Lets have a look at the chakras and mudras associated:-

Hand Position
Root & Foot Chakra
Pran Mudra – can be done with both hands

Touching the thumb with the tip of ring & little finger. Do it atleast for 10 min to best 35-40 min.

·  Creates state of relaxation
·  Security- stabilizes things/ person or events around
·  Enhances immunity & vitality.
·  Removal of fear
·  Allows release of unwanted
·  Grounding
·  Improves eye diseases
·  Sound Sleep

Hara chakra
Dhyani Mudra- Great for spiritual connection
Place both hands like a bowl on your hara chakra below your navel. Do it for 4-5 min to 30-40 min.

·   Gesture of mediation & submission
·   Self discipline
·   Remove unwanted desires.
·   Helps in forgiveness
·   Aids in being responsible.

Manipura chakra
Hakini Mudra- Powerful mudra
Additionally rudra mudra
Placed at the solar plexus, sit in contemplation placing all the finger tips of one touching the other hand. Eyes to be upward & tongue touching the gums at inhale & tongue gasping out on exhale.
·  Opens the right hemisphere, of the memory store
·  Deepens respiration
·  Improves oxygen supply to brain
·  Helps in thinking, emotional balance. Esp if u are too much of sacral chakra person.
·  Improve self identity, anxiety & personal power
·  Provides energy to lower chakras.
·  Balances third eye, lungs, brain, left & right hemisphere.

Heart Chakra
Apan vayu Mudra- vayu & apan, lotus, gyan mudra can also be practiced. Done for 15 min.
Bend your index finger & let it touch the base of thumb. Let index & middle finger touch the tip of thumb & extend little finger. Do it with both hands close to heart chakra
·   Very good for heart patients- helps to remove vayu tatwa.
·   Strengthens heart
·   Helps in detoxification
·   Improves heart circulation.
·   Improves blood pressure
·   Helps one to take care of own needs.
·   Helps to remove air, balances body temperature, cures toothache, removes excess sweat from hand
Throat Chakra
Shankh & Gyan Mudra
Encircle the thumb with right hand fingers & right thumb to touch the middle finger of left hand and form a conch shape & brought closer to sternum. Do it for 15 min
For gyan mudra index finger to touch the thumb of same hand
·  Drives away every problem of the throat
·  Removes negative and loneliness feelings & helps to express.
·  Removes allergies.
·  Reduces inflammatory condition of body and throat.
·  Growth in alertness

Third Eye Chakra
Shambhavi Mudra

Move eyes upwards & inwards attempting to imagine a third eye. Concentrating on the tip of the nose

·   Checks degeneration of pineal  gland
·   Removes tiredness & mental stress
·   Induces higher consciousness.

Crown Chakra
Khechari Mudra/
Akasha Mudra- some suggest matangi mudra

Tip of the middle finger to touch the tip of the thumb & roll your eyes if possible. Practice for 10-15 min
·   Clears the throat
·   Broadens the mind and one becomes less selfish.
·   Opens up the higher self/intuition.
·   Helps to improve bones/calcium, hearing abilities

Hope it helps . Would recommend reading up more on each other mudras.

Friday 18 May 2012

Group Healing- Reiki

My first reiki group healing session was just a day after my Reiki -1 attunement. It was quite an interesting experience.
Group healing session- after my  reiki -1
One of the key aspects of reiki is to send loving reiki to others and to situations and thereby help them to cope up with their issues. Each member of the group should be committed to contribute. Reiki group healers is a yourself and one more person to usually up to 5-6 people.Apart from sending healing every individual of the group will gain a greater sense of peace within and overall feel better about oneself as a person.

How to do a group healing :-

  • Start by sending distant healing or in-person healing to specific person or situation or for general peace.
  • After a month or so apart from yourself, identify 5-6 people who will be willing to form a reiki group.
  • If all the members are in -person for healing- before the healing sit in a circle or just individually take deep breaths and meditate or be quiet for 5-10 minutes.
  • For In-person healing of healee - each individual to choose a specific chakra and heal and later share experiences with the other healers and person.
  • For Distant healing of the healee- the group can form a circle and imagine the individual sitting or lying in the centre , or alternatively each individual can imagine the person on hand or sitting in front or healing a specific chakra.
  • For group for an incident or event or overall healing to universe- the group can meet up or fix -up a time to send group healing. This will be very powerful and help in speedy resolution .
  • For group healing to a person who is in advance stage of the certain ailment better to send daily or regular healing
  • Last and not the least -positiveness and love to the person

Benefits of group healing/healers :-
  • Faster scope for  recovery specifically for certain ailments.
  • Mass concentration of energy helps in more effective healing
  • The person can talk about their issues with a larger set of people and seek better perspective apart from healing
  • Better support system especially in case of grief or loss or loneliness
  • The group healing sessions/ Seva Sessions - can be free of cost which can help people who cannot afford or just wanting to experiment or can get a better understanding of alternative healing. 
  • Group healing can be conducted in hospitals, orphanages, schools, women welfare associations to promote overall welfare of humankind.
  • Remember no one is greater than the other , group healers are for deep healing and self discovery.
  • Remember it provides a safe environment of support,love and embrace being held by universe
  • Good session for sharing experiences
  • Act of spiritual boost.
Heal with Purple flowers-
color of the crown chakra

Heal & Love All !!!!!!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

How to prepare before a Reiki session?

Most of the people are worried or unsure how to prepare themselves before or for a Reiki session. The fear or worry is merely cause of  lack of faith, lack of knowledge, lack of awareness, unsure of what to do before a healing session. The healee should understand the full importance of being involved and aiding the healer & universe so the outcome is best accomplished as helpful & successful. A few proactive & preparatory steps can make the experience better.

Prepare oneself before Reiki session :-
  • Read about basics of Reiki & how it is being conducted.
  • Drink 6-8 glasses of water atleast 4-5 days before the Reiki session. 
  • Try and eat organic food or light food- more sattvic  food ( about 1-2 days before the session).
  • Avoid alcohol or re-creational drugs atleast 2 days in advance to the reiki session.
  • Use the affirmation " I am present and I love myself " for about 2-3 days before the session.
  • Be free and trust your healer. Sometimes it s better to have a brief talk to see if you can connect.
  • Explain to the healer before the session preferably 2-3 days about a specific problem area which you would want to healed. 
  • Tell the healer if you have any specific ailment before the session. Be honest .
  • Keep a journal of how you were feeling before the session and after
  • If you would like specific aroma or music which will aid the healing session, please have a discussion with the healer.
  • Take a shower, refrain from perfumes or itrs or jewelry, wear loose fitted clothes
  • Take deep breaths - for about 5-10 min before the Reiki session
  • Drink 2-3 glasses of water before the Reiki session.
  • Let go of expectation of treating a specific problem ,just know that the energy will flow.
  • Understand that healing is process, it may take a day or months or years for a specific aspect to heal. be patient.
  • If possible try and laugh by reading a book or just by conversing.

Hope these tips & you have a wonderful reiki healing experience .

Monday 14 May 2012

Self- Healing and Child Abuse

One day at my apartment I was talking to a group of 5-6  girls ( aged 27-31yrs) when the topic of abuse came forth. It turns out each and every one was abused sexually as a child to a lesser or greater extend. Most managed to escape from the predator but the scars which some had were to haunt/upset them for the rest of their lives.

Most of the people abused as children would have never uttered a word to their friends/parents about the pain and would'v led their adult lives normally. It is sad to know that most people still subconsciously live with it and for some it keeps affecting them in some way or the other i.e feelings of rejection, abandonment, rigid, relationship issues, trust issues, fear,guilt, unresolved anger  etc. It is pain and hurt which is known only to the one who has been through it.

I know that it takes great guts, courage, time, patience to come forth and talk openly about a childhood abuse to anyone especially if the feeling of guilt, fear, injustice or non -acceptance from society are still deep rooted within.
With personal experience one must learn and understand that sometimes apart from oneself no-one else can help  ---" You are your own healer "

Reiki and Spiritual healing is one such mode of helping yourself or others in overcoming Child Abuse.

Reiki Self- Healing -

  • Give the intention to the Universe to heal your past wounds and liven inner child. 
  • If you like Invite archangel raphael or any god or angel with healing touch to support you.
  • While healing the heart chakra- imagine a pink soft ball bouncing and then slowly merging within your front heart chakra. Similar for back heart chakra. 
  • Use the distance and emotional healing symbols frequently on heart chakra and say let go and imagine green light surrounding your heart chakra.
  • While healing the hara chakra imagine orange waves cleansing the chakra.
  •  For the root chakra specifically use the physical and grounding symbols
  • Back root & hara chakra to be healed for longer durations.
  • Towards the end of self-healing do white light healing and green light protection especially around the heart chakra.  

Others Ways to Heal self- 

  • Forgive yourself & forgive the abuser. Write your feelings on a piece of paper about the incident then and now ( it can be ugly, sad, angry feeling) and close it by writing " I forgive you" and burn the paper. Do it as many number of times required.
  • Sit in a meditative position, take deep breaths until you feel relaxed. Let your mind wander about the abuse incident till the point you think it is baseless and no-longer a part of your identity.
  • Sit in a meditation position alone in a quiet place, take deep breaths and be relaxed. Start talking out your feelings aloud as if you telling the abuser how you felt and how is it hurting you till date.
  • Remember you re not alone, try talking to people who have been through similar experiences and encourage self and others to move ahead.
  • Keep a feelings chart- you might be surprised to see that some events or incidents trigger similar feelings, so work on with yourself or psychologist to how to improve.
  • Never ever blame yourself 
Heart Chakra Healing by Green Color & Visuals
Affirmations - for self healing
  • Heart chakra- " I willingly release all fears , concerns, past hurts and worries about giving and receiving love.
  • Heart Chakra- " I am an expression of true love and forgiveness- I forgive my "abuser"
  • Root Chakra- " I am safe and secure at all times. I am protected and well guided and accepted by self and all"
  • " I declare myself free from all past wounds" 

Hope it helps.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Muldhara and Chinnamasta Devi

Recently have been interested in reading up material and books on Tantra - Hinduism and Buddhism. However last few days have interested in reading on the "Mahavidyas" of the Tantra world.

Heruka= Wheel
Mahavidyas are the ten forms of the Kali Mata herself of which apart from Kali, Tara and Chinnmasta form major group of the Kali energies. The ten forms are wisdom devis, wisdom can be from gentle, sattvic work/attitude to Tamasic or harsh or dark forces. So at the end of it all merges and becomes one.

Of all the 10 forms,Chinnamasta is quite interesting form, she is "SELF Decapitating" devi who depicts self-sacrifice ... I have somehow associated her with Avalikoteshara ( form of buddha- who self sacrifices inorder to uplifts ) but has fiery energy of Purshuram and Narasimha ( form of Vishnu). However in Buddhist she is related Vajrayogini Devi.

Her Self sacrifice is also related to awakening of the Kundalini Shakti which resides in the Muldhara /Root Chakra , the uncoiled serpent energy of the Shakti. The energy of Chinnmasta has the sexual energy, life, self destruction , danger elements of which are more like Muldhara up to the Svadisthana chakra, So her energies are mainly associated with the lower two chakras. The red color of the devi is the muldhara color. She is alone workshipped only by the Tantrik/Tantrikas under strict guru instructions.

Since Chinnamasta is the icon for Kundalini- the divine spiritual energy. The copulating couple is representing the Kundalini. The coiled energy at the base of the spine  also gets uncoiled during sexual intercourse. The energy flow goes from the base of the spine up till the head. The cut head and blood of the devi depicts the upward kundalini flow which is so strong and energetic that it breaks the vissudhi chakra- i.e: false expression, false words in that process makes the person weak, sad... which thereby leads to energy going all the way up the crown chakra and shattering and transforming the self--- i.e: one is in Transcendence   ( i.e: from the sushmana nadi up to sahasrara).
Another aspect to look at it when the kundalini energy flows all the way when one's pineal gland explodes and one has literally an orgasmic experience the false ego, false expression are no longer in existence, it is transformational-literally arising from owns death.
The three blood streams are nectar again which feed our own consciousness of good and bad residing within ourselves, the shakti then unites with shiva at sahasrara.( The two attendants of the Devi are tamsic and sattvic qualities)
 Another interpretation is that Dakini, Varini ( female deities of muldhara), Chinnamasta are ida, pingala & sushmana nadi. Ida ( lunar energy) & Pingala ( solar energy) flows & meets at each chakra point ( like the DNA structure ). 

Deeper Meaning
Osho zen tarot- Transformation
  • The self- decapitating is end of false ego, ignorance, expression, desires which are binding and conditioning one.
  •  The ability to live by let go and manifestation of the kundalini energies and gain of supernatural powers. Only by Letting go can we be in the present 
  • Death is inevitable- One must die by getting immersed in the action one does
  • Death and Sex are interdependent- sex is for creating new life , that life which will eventually decay and die inorder to feed more life and existence it self.
  • Control of sexual energy which can be channeled by a yogi/yogini for greated spiritual pursuits.
  • Fearlessness of death, not to fear of lust, ego, hurt as they are mere layers of the true nature of the soul.
  • Integrity, accepting oneself in whichever form or state
  • Self- Awakening and Self- enlightenment.

Monday 7 May 2012

Reiki Level 3

As we continue our healing path , with time we become aware of our consciousness that resides deep within us;  it is with that realization the healer moves up to Reiki Level 3.

Reiki Level 3 course is an Advanced Reiki Practitioner course . It is mainly divided into two levels, level 3A and 3B. It is mainly to increase and enhance one's knowledge, experience and learning from reiki. With every level of reiki or any healing modality one learns along with it comes maturity and responsible usage of the energies.This level creates a new attitude that is entirely and completely positive and helps us to create positive results and enhance problem solving capabilities.

Practitioner who intends to learn level 3A -

  • Must've practiced reiki from level 2 to level 3A for preferably 6-12 months
  • Has been practicing  grounding meditations/techniques.
  • Committed to making reiki as a part of one's life.
  • When has learnt ans feel ready to accept one's own mastery
When one is attuned and practices reiki after Level 3A one becomes- HEALER with more or higher energy flow and channel

Practitioner who intends to level 3B- 

  • Must have  practiced reiki level 3A for about 3-6 months
  • Should be assisting in reiki teaching sessions for experience ( Apprenticeship)
  • Having Spiritual Orientation or understands one purpose for healing 
  • Assisting in teaching new fellow reiki learners in practical hands-on healing
  • Let go of ego ( ego which tramples and hurts others)
Reiki Love :)